Saturday 22 August 2015

Design a teaching instruction: Research as Inquiry


“Explore the psychological factors which lead terminally ill patients over the age of 50 in South Africa to request their loved ones to assist them to end their lives”

Learning Outcomes:

Students should be able to:
  1. Understand that various research methods exists and choose an appropriate method for the study
  2. Understand the ethical and legal issues when dealing with sensitive information
  3. Understand their limitations and knowledge gaps   


  1. Find 3 scholarly “conversations” about research methodology and design and using the “research design canvas” by John Latham ( highlight 2 possible research methods for the study and motivate why you feel they are appropriate.
  2. Formulate appropriate interview questions and conduct interviews with a Human Rights Lawyer regarding the  ethical and legal issues on the topic. Similarly conduct an interview with a member of Senate at your university regarding the ethical and legal issues in gathering and using information. Based on your findings compile a 500 word motivation on how you will conform to the ethical and legal issues when conducting this study and using the information. .
  3. Write a one page essay on the topic without referring to any sources for assistance. Afterward find and analyze 2 scholarly sources on the topic and compare your essay with the information gathered.

Linking Activity to knowledge practice or disposition:

  1. Activity one links to the knowledge practice “Use various research methods based on need, circumstance and type of inquiry”.
  2. Activity 2 links to the disposition “Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information”
  3. Activity 3 links to the disposition “Demonstrate intellectual humility”.


  1. Your research question is on point. It is a controversial topic that will elicit lot of scholarly "conversation". Students will have to learn to keep an open mind

  2. Hey Chalene,

    Thanks for your comment and yes students will have to keep an open mind which is actually one of the dispositions of this frame!

  3. A very impressive blog Nizam...
    I'm not sure I understand your second activity though. Investigating the Justice system will inform the student about whether assisted suicide is legal in South Africa or whether it is a criminal offence. Secondly, approaching the South African Medical Fraternity will inform the student about possible psychological causes for suicide of this nature. How would this information assist the student to conform to ethical and legal issues? Please clarify.
    Otherwise I really like the topic as well as the other activities.

  4. Dear Shehaamah, Thanks for your constructive feed back. My feeling around activity 2 was once they started researching and speaking to these organisations, it would lead to further investigations and thus they would get a broad picture around ethics and legal issues on the topic. This will provide them with an ethico-legal framework for when they do their data gathering and reporting their on. However, I will be more specific in the blog so that it is more clear.
